Wednesday 5 June 2013

The Hobbit and Time Bandits - are they similar?

I got distracted this evening by finally watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey directed by Peter Jackson with the new all singing (literally) and dancing (yup that too in the early part) colour adaptation. Admittedly, I was only half watching it whilst doing something else and I will concentrate more next time. 

But the premise of the whole story, and yes I know that J. R. R. Tolkien wrote it before Messrs Gilliam & Palin, seemed very similar to Time Bandits. Maybe it was the journey or the quest motif that both parties are starting on with the inclusion of an odd one out. Be it Bilbo Baggins or Kevin. Or is it because the dwarfs (or dwarves) seem to be either eating, fighting or running? Both use a map (of sorts).

Have a look at the trailer for The Hobbit:

And then compare it with the Time Bandits trailer:

If you can't find a copy of this film, there is currently a copy hiding within the depths of the YouTube oubliette ( Admittedly, The Hobbit doesn't switch from time to time but maybe I have lost the plot. I look forward to your thoughts. This blog may resume more sense soon.

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