Thursday 13 June 2013

BBC Radio 4 follows Avian Tweets

Using the concepts of tweets from the social networking site that was devised by Jack Dorsey, Twitter, the BBC have used the time slot just after the Farming Today and just before Today of less than two minutes. 

In this time, you get to hear the chatter, chirping, chirrupping, clucking, cock-a-doodle-dooing, crying and cuckooing (and remember these are only the "C" words) of many an assorted bird. As well as a fact or two (see I refrained from a pun that could have included the name of an Australian avian) about British birds.

BBC Radio 4's Tweet of the Day uses the Natural History Unit's collection of its avian recordings to bring to life these birds over the working week. The first month's recordings were narrated by Sir David Attenborough with the second month being introduced by Miranda Krestovnikoff

The two minute recordings, in my humble opinion, would be ideal for playing during the registration of school classes for the younger years or during a quiet period in between the transition of two subjects. 
  • The podcasts can be found here
  • A list of future birds can be found here.
  • A Tweet Of The Day quiz can be found on this page and you will have to submit an answer to find the correct answer. 
  • There are a surprising number of uses that use birdsong including reducing the stress of needles and in BP petrol stations toilets, find out how birdsong can be used here.

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