The title for that Pixar produced piscatorial parable - Finding Nemo - did it have the wrong title?
Cracked (2013) describes the film as "...a heartfelt father-and-son story in which an entire family of clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
is viciously devoured by a barracuda, and then the son is abducted by
scuba divers and forced into performing peepshows for a sociopathic
human child." That article continues to explore further disturbing truths about the Amphiprion ocellaris, I'll let you read that yourself.
But get out that Latin dictionary, the word "nemo" means no-one or nobody. Now, call me old-fashioned, but if you call a film "Finding No-one" or "Finding No-body", then you don't fill the screen up with assorted marine crustaceans, cephalopods and cetaceans. A Yahoo question and answer thread lists Clown Fish, Blue Tang, Moorish Idol, Puffer Fish, Starfish, White Shark, Sea Turtle, Sting Ray to name but a few.
Mr. Ray, the fish that takes the school class, is, I, assume is not a qualified teacher as s(he) lacks the male reproductive organs [the claspers] according to IMDB.
When he sings "Let's Name the Species" song, he sings both assorted phyla names and then classes of the phylum Cnidaria (Coelenterata) and a class within the phylum Mollusca. This IMDB article continues to explain:
"...although it is revealed, in the DVD, that Mr. Ray isn't an actual
scientist, more that he just picks things up. In that case, it could
very well be that he mistook the one for the other, not knowing that he
was passing on incorrect information." (IMDB 2013)
Maybe Pixar were recreating a fish based Odyssey where our hero, Odysseus, is asked his name by the cyclops, Polyphemus:
"Odysseus gives as "Outis" 'No One'." (Gill, 2013)
I am sure I can add more to this thread and may even cause a discussion, so what your thoughts?
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