Sunday 28 September 2014

Mother's Musings No.1

Mum, or Margaret Elliott to those who know her, wrote in notebooks and collected little musings, newspaper cuttings and other such paraphernalia that was cut out and stuck in or copied out in her neat writing, so in a way to keep these musings and in order to help her deal with loss of sight, I have started to write the things out from her notebooks - she, like any others of her age and generation wrote a blog in notebooks or Common Place Books.

  • Farm as though you are going to farm forever, but live as though you are going to die tomorrow. (John Marsden)
  • You should plan as if you will live forever and work as if you will die tomorrow.
  • A farmer is the steward of his land for his lifetime.
  • In life you have the choice, to be a large fish in a small pond, or a little fish in the sea.
  • Rather than be at the mercy of your boss, it is better to crow on your own dung hill.
  • There is no better fertiliser for the land then the feel of the farmer's boot. (attributed to Hansard's Report on Small Farmers)
  • To thine own self, be true (Polonius in Hamlet by Shakespeare Act 1, Scene 3, 78-82)
If you know where these might have originated from or you think I may have got something wrong, please feel free to comment...

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